Join Hannibal Regional Healthcare System

Learn more about Hannibal Regional
from Todd Ahrens, President and CEO
of Hannibal Regional

Hannibal Regional Healthcare System - Regional Transportation

Hannibal is located along the Mississippi River in northeast Missouri, approximately 100 miles north of St. Louis. The community is intersected by Highway 61 (Avenue of the Saints) and Highway 36 (Chicago to Kansas City Expressway). Hannibal provides convenient, four-lane highway access to St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Memphis, Des Moines, and Minneapolis.

Quincy Airport Logo

Quincy Regional Airport 

Connect to the world with fast, affordable daily round trip jet service to Chicago. Enjoy convenient baggage check-thru, free parking, and arrive in Chicago in about an hour!

Quincy Amtrak

Offers daily trips from Quincy to Chicago.

Lambert Field Logo

Lambert Field - St. Louis, Missouri

Located 11 miles northwest of downtown St. Louis along I-70 between I-70 and I-270 in St. Louis County.

Medical Campus

Photos of Hannibal Regional Medical Campus