In 2022 the Hannibal Regional Auxiliary was able to generously support Hannibal Regional Healthcare System. At their December Board Meeting, the Auxiliary presented a check for $112,712.00 to Hannibal Regional Healthcare System with the funds going towards fulfilling their pledge to the Building Better Tomorrows campaign.
With more than 250 volunteers, Hannibal Regional Auxiliary gives many hours of service to Hannibal Regional every year. Service is the heart of the Auxiliary and its main purpose. This year the Auxiliary theme was “Hands That Share, Hearts That Care.” The Hannibal Regional Auxiliary has been sharing their time and energy for years. Even though COVID stopped all volunteering for a while, volunteers stepped right back when it was safe to do so, re-charged their volunteer spirit, brushed off that black vest, and asked, “Where do you need me?” Hannibal Regional and the community they serve are better because of the volunteers’ sharing hands. In addition to their sharing hands, their caring hearts have helped so many. “Their willingness to help those in need both within the community and among team members at Hannibal Regional is admirable,” says Kim Ahrens, Hannibal Regional Auxiliary President.
Do you enjoy helping others? Are you looking for a way to have a positive impact on our community? Hannibal Regional Auxiliary is always looking for new volunteers. There are several areas within the Hannibal Regional Healthcare System where you could volunteer your time, including activities with patients, Judy's Boutique gift shop, the Caring Cup and many more. For more information call J.D. Dodd at (573) 248-5272.
Pictured from left to right are J.D. Dodd, Director of Guest/Volunteer Services; Kim Ahrens, Auxiliary President; Dr. Wendy Harrington, Hannibal Regional Foundation President & CEO; Lucas Peters, Hannibal Regional Foundation Board Chair and Todd Ahrens, Hannibal Regional President & CEO.