
Cardiac electrophysiology (cardiac EP) is focused on the treatment of heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias). The function of the heart is regulated by its electrical conduction system consisting of cells, nodes, and signals. This generates electrical current and this electrical signal spreads to the rest of the cells in the heart. In this way, the heart regulates both its heart rate and rhythm.

When disturbances arise in the electrical conduction system, it can cause the heart to beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. Depending on the type of arrhythmia, it may be benign or it may cause harm by slowing blood flow to the rest of the body.

Why choose Hannibal Regional for your cardiac EP needs

At Hannibal Regional, you will be treated by our expert cardiac electrophysiologist Dr. Santhisri Kodali. She has trained in the most advanced and latest techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias at the leading, world-class institutions of Houston Methodist Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Kodali also brings with her a background in biomedical engineering, which plays a central role in modern medicine and health-related fields. Understanding this intersection of medicine, engineering, and biology has allowed her to be more knowledgeable about medical technologies, assuring greater safety and success in caring for her patients.

Dr. Kodali’s priority with her patients is always taking the time to listen to them and providing them with as much information as possible regarding their diagnoses and treatment options in order to help them feel comfortable in making the best decision for their care. In Dr. Kodali’s words, “The most rewarding thing is after getting rid of an arrhythmia, when patients tell me that they have their quality of life back and can go back to doing the things that made them happy, which is very gratifying”. Learn more about Dr. Kodali.

Who can benefit from EP care

Patients with any type of arrhythmia should seek the expertise of a cardiac electrophysiologist. A cardiac electrophysiologist is a cardiologist who specializes in diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders. Management of arrhythmias may include medications, implantation of a cardiac device, cardioversion, and/or catheter ablation.

Cardiac EP procedures are performed in the cardiac electrophysiology laboratory, which is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment that analyzes and records the electrical signals of the heart. Procedures are performed by our expert cardiac electrophysiologist who is trained in the latest techniques in the management of heart rhythm disorders.

Conditions we treat

Cardiac EP services we provide

Catheter ablation (includes fluoroless, without the use of x-rays or radiation)

Catheter ablation procedures are performed in the cardiac electrophysiology laboratory, which is outfitted with state-of-the-art imaging and equipment that analyzes and records the electrical signals of the heart. Catheters, which are tiny hollow tubes, are placed through a small incision in blood vessels and are guided into your heart. The catheters contain electrodes, which are tiny metal plates that record the heart’s electrical signals. These catheters are used to stimulate and pace the heart using very tiny amounts of electrical current. A 3D mapping system is used to recreate a 3D model of your heart which helps to pinpoint the location of the arrhythmia.
Ablation is performed by delivering radiofrequency energy (essentially heat energy) to cauterize the tissue responsible for the arrhythmia. Depending on the type of arrhythmia, catheter ablation can be done without the use of fluoroscopy or x-rays, which has the benefit of avoiding radiation exposure for the patient.
The following are the types of catheter ablation procedures that are performed:

  • Atrial fibrillation ablation
  • Atrial flutter ablation
  • AV node ablation
  • PVC ablation
  • Supraventricular tachycardia ablation
  • Ventricular tachycardia ablation

Electrical cardioversion

An electrical cardioversion involves the delivery of a controlled electrical shock to the heart to stop an arrhythmia and allow conversion back to a normal heart rhythm.

EP Study

EP studies are performed in the cardiac electrophysiology laboratory, which is outfitted with state-of-the-art imaging and equipment that analyzes and records the electrical signals of the heart. Catheters, which are tiny hollow tubes, are placed through a small incision in blood vessels and are guided into your heart. The catheters contain electrodes, which are tiny metal plates that record the heart’s electrical signals. These catheters are used to stimulate and pace the heart using very tiny amounts of electrical current and allows a study of the heart’s electrical conduction system to help guide further arrhythmia management.

Implantation of cardiac devices

Cardiac devices are implanted in the cardiac electrophysiology laboratory. These devices help to regulate the heart rhythm including preventing the heart rate from going too slow, treating and rescuing the heart from dangerous heart rhythms, and treating heart failure. The following are the types of cardiac devices that are implanted:

  • Cardiac contractility modulation
  • Cardiac resynchronization devices
  • Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
  • Pacemakers (including leadless and conduction system pacing)

Heart rhythm monitoring (includes placement of an implantable heart monitor for long-term arrhythmia monitoring)

Monitoring for arrhythmias can be done in the short-term by wearing an external monitor (up to 30 days) and in the long-term via an implantable heart monitor (up to 5 years). The type of monitor that would be best suited for you will be determined based upon discussion with your cardiac electrophysiologist.

Our Cardiac EP care team

Our care team at Hannibal Regional consists of specialists for comprehensive care and may include:

  • Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • Interventional Cardiology
  • General Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Radiology (cardiac imaging)

Contact us

To make an appointment with our Hannibal Regional cardiac electrophysiologist, please call (573) 629-3500.

Our Cardiac Electrophysiologist

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